Prioritize Farm Security with Gallagher Animal Management
Farm security is an important part of protecting your animals, crops, and equipment. Without good security, you risk losing valuable resources to theft, damage, or animals escaping. To avoid these... -
The Ultimate Guide to Wildlife Control with Gallagher iSeries Electric Fencing
Gallagher electric fencing is a practical and effective solution for South African farmers and wildlife reserve managers who need to protect animals and secure their land. Gallagher’s iSeries Energizers are... -
Monitor the Movements of your Wildlife
Gallagher Animal Management understands that keeping wild animals safe is a top priority for farmers. That's why we offer a variety of reliable game fencing options tailored specifically for wildlife farms. These fencing solutions help protect your animals from predators and prevent them from wandering off, which is essential for protecting your investment and ensuring the health of your wildlife. -
Keep Your Rhinos Healthy with Gallagher’s Weighing and Tracking Solutions
Monitoring the health of your rhinos is vital for wildlife farmers and game reserve owners. Gallagher Animal Management offers advanced tools, like weigh scales and EID (Electronic Identification) readers, that... -
The Role of Wildlife Fences in Managing Human-Wildlife Conflict
In the intricate dance of life, animals are perpetually on the move, driven by the pursuit of food, safety, and favorable conditions for breeding and rest. This ceaseless movement often brings them into conflict with human activities, leading to damage to crops, livestock, and even posing threats to human safety. To mitigate these conflicts, wildlife fencing has emerged as a vital tool.
Easily Manage your Pastures with Strip Grazing
Strip grazing is a livestock management practice where a pasture is divided into strips, and animals are allowed to graze one strip at a time. This method can be effective... -
How to Prevent Pipe Freezing in Winter
As we find ourselves in the heart of winter, when frost paints intricate patterns on windowpanes and the air carries a crisp, invigorating chill, the risk of frozen pipes becomes a... -
Ultimate Wildlife Fencing for Safety and Conservation
Did you know that elephants pose a significant danger to humans? While many might think of lions as the top threat, studies consistently show that elephants are actually responsible for... -
Do you have the right Energizer for your fence?
Do you have the right Energizer for your fence? In modern agricultural practices, the responsibility of protecting animals and crops from external threats has evolved significantly. The days of manual... -
The Benefits of Weighing your Livestock Regularly
Weighing your livestock regularly feels like a tedious exercise, but it’s very necessary. It’s an important management tool for your livestock, helping you manage data well, so that you are... -
Hoekom jy Gallagher elektriese heining in 2024 nodig het
As 'n boer in Suid-Afrika is dit belangrik om die welstand van jou diere te beskerm. Een van die doeltreffendste maniere om hul veiligheid te verseker, is deur die implementering... -
Monitor jou dier se waterinname op afstand hierdie somer
Namate die temperatuur gedurende die versengende somermaande styg, word dit van kardinale belang om ekstra aandag te skenk aan die hidrasiebehoeftes van ons vee. Dehidrasie kan ernstige gesondheidsrisiko's vir diere inhou, wat dit noodsaaklik maak vir boere om hul waterinname noukeurig te monitor. Om hierdie bekommernis doeltreffend aan te spreek, blyk moderne tegnologie, soos Gallagher Satellite Water Monitoring System, 'n onskatbare hulpmiddel te wees om te verseker dat diere voldoende hidrasie ontvang.