Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, S80 ENERGIZER LI EUR/INT
Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, S80 ENERGIZER LI EUR/INT


Gewone prys R 5,160.85 ZAR
Verkoopprys R 5,160.85 ZAR Gewone prys
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SKU: G35131

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0.8 Stored Joules


Solar Lithium Technology

Lithium iron phosphate battery and high efficiency solar panel
provide superior and continuous product operation, with a
maximum output voltage of 9.3kV. All covered by a three-year

Faster charging, long-lasting battery performance

An internal heavy-duty lithium battery and a highly efficient
5.6W solar panel provide superior, long-lasting power on your
fence line, day and night.

Suitable for wildlife exclusion

Long-lasting, higher voltage performance maintains fence
power through the night to protect your crops and animals
from wildlife or predators.

Protected circuitry and battery longevity

Dual insulated plastic enclosure protects internal circuitry and
lithium batteries from extreme temperatures.

Portable power - designed to be easily moved around the farm
Lightweight, compact and easy to install and move with an
integrated carry handle, making it the ideal solution for strip
grazing and rotational pasture management.

Fence and Energizer performance at a glance

LED lights indicate if the built-in lithium batteries is running low.

Fully integrated, ready to use

Simply mount on a suitable post and connect it to your fence
and earth. Includes fence and earth lead, rechargeable lithium
battery and solar.

Intelligent adaptive energy control

Smart adaptive electronics are constantly monitoring
the solar energy being stored, measuring it against the
battery voltage and adjusting the output energy to ensure
your fence is powered for as long as possible – even in the
absence of sunlight.

Vir ons kleinhandelkliënte is gratis versending beskikbaar op alle bestellings bo R5,000.00 (ex BTW).

Vir ons handelaars, verspreiders, agente en koöperasies is gratis versending beskikbaar vir bestellings van meer as R30,000 (ex BTW).


0.8 Stored Joules


Solar Lithium Technology

Lithium iron phosphate battery and high efficiency solar panel
provide superior and continuous product operation, with a
maximum output voltage of 9.3kV. All covered by a three-year

Faster charging, long-lasting battery performance

An internal heavy-duty lithium battery and a highly efficient
5.6W solar panel provide superior, long-lasting power on your
fence line, day and night.

Suitable for wildlife exclusion

Long-lasting, higher voltage performance maintains fence
power through the night to protect your crops and animals
from wildlife or predators.

Protected circuitry and battery longevity

Dual insulated plastic enclosure protects internal circuitry and
lithium batteries from extreme temperatures.

Portable power - designed to be easily moved around the farm
Lightweight, compact and easy to install and move with an
integrated carry handle, making it the ideal solution for strip
grazing and rotational pasture management.

Fence and Energizer performance at a glance

LED lights indicate if the built-in lithium batteries is running low.

Fully integrated, ready to use

Simply mount on a suitable post and connect it to your fence
and earth. Includes fence and earth lead, rechargeable lithium
battery and solar.

Intelligent adaptive energy control

Smart adaptive electronics are constantly monitoring
the solar energy being stored, measuring it against the
battery voltage and adjusting the output energy to ensure
your fence is powered for as long as possible – even in the
absence of sunlight.

Gratis aflewering Ts & Cs

Vir ons kleinhandelkliënte is gratis versending beskikbaar op alle bestellings bo R5,000.00 (ex BTW).

Vir ons handelaars, verspreiders, agente en koöperasies is gratis versending beskikbaar vir bestellings van meer as R30,000 (ex BTW).